Dear Dad. 

Dear Dad,

I may not be good at math 

Or I may always be on my phone

I may read my book late at night

And give a deaf ear when you scold me about it

But dad, I know, what you say is right 

I just don’t do it the second you tell me to

But dad, I do listen 

I do understand

And I do love you. 

So, dear Dad, don’t ever feel forgotten

Or depressed or maybe angry 

Because I hope to be a child

Who’ll hold your hand and lead you in your times of need 

Just as you lead me through all of this. 

I hope to be a child who’ll tend to your interests 

Just as you tended to mine.

Dear Dad, I hope to be a child

Who’ll be by your side 

And make you proud. 

So dad, on this day, 

I hope to have made you a little bit proud,

Happy birthday! 

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